ConocoPhillps gets green lights to begin production from Eldfisk Nord in North Sea
(WO) – According to the Norwegian Offshore Directorate, authorities have given ConocoPhillips consent to start up production from Eldfisk Nord in the North Sea.
Illustration of Eldfisk North (Source: ConocoPhillips)
Eldfisk Nord is an installation consisting of two seabed templates for production and one for water injection – a total of nine production wells and five injection wells. Production start-up is expected during the first quarter.
According to ConocoPhillips, Eldfisk Nord’s resource potential is projected to be 50-90 MMboe, and the investment amounts to nearly $1.24 billion.
The Eldfisk field is located in Block 2/7, and is part of the Greater Ekofisk Area. Eldfisk Nord will help increase the recovery rate from the Ekofisk and Tor formations.
Eldfisk was discovered in 1970, and the plan for development and operation (PDO) was approved in 1975. An amended PDO for Eldfisk, including the development of resources in Eldfisk Nord, was approved in Dec. 2022.
ConocoPhillips’ partners in production license 018 are Tota Energies, Vår Energi, Sval Energi and Petoro.
Lead image: The Eldfisk complex. (Source: Conoco Phillips)
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